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Mar, 2021

Little League District 2 COVID-19 Safety Action Plan

The intent of this action plan is to provide rules and guidance to the participants, volunteers and spectators of LL D2 so to achieve compliance with all Centers for Disease Control and MA Department of Public Health and applicable local guidelines.

All Centers for Disease Control and MA Department of Public Health and applicable local guidelines will be followed for any activity to take place.

LL D2 strongly encourages volunteers, players and parents to practice social distancing whenever possible. This includes wearing of appropriate PPE face masks during all activities and to accept responsibility for their own actions as part of this COVID-19 Safety & Action plan.

LL D2 understands that health measures that are in place one day, may not be in place the next.

The public health event that is COVID-19 is an ever changing and evolving matter. As such, LL D2 will review policies on a regular basis to ensure compliance with all Centers for Disease Control and MA Department of Public Health and applicable local guidelines.

Method of Communication of policy and changes  

LL D2 will utilize multiple communication methods in order to swiftly convey messages to volunteers, players, parents, spectators and city officials.

These methods will include each of these whenever changes to policy are made,

  • Email notifications to parents
  • Email notification to volunteers
  • Email notification to board members
  • Text message to players
  • Text message to parents
  • Text message to volunteers
  • Text notification to board members
  • Website notification for general public knowledge

Field Signage

  • Placed at high traffic and conspicuous areas highlighting social distancing and its mandatory status.
  • Advising all participants and spectators that face masks are necessary.
  • Guests/spectators are expected to self-monitor their actions.
  • Encouragement of anyone to report any concerns to a league official.

Prior to the Start of Each Event  

  1. Volunteers and player who are ill should not report to any event under any circumstances.

  2. All volunteers and players entering the field must self-certify that:

    • In the last 24 hours they have had no signs of fever or measured temperature above 100.3 degrees.

    • They have had no close contact with a person diagnosed with the COVID – 19 NOTE: “close contact” includes living in a household with a person or caring for a person who has tested positive for the disease; being within 6 feet of a person who tested positive for 15 minutes or longer; or coming in contact with the secretions of a person who tested positive (being coughed or sneezed on, using shared utensils, etc.)

    • They have not been asked to self-quarantine by a doctor or public health official

  3. Volunteers will be provided a player roster log and will record daily, each of the aforementioned items in bullet point # 2

  4. Volunteers and players that exhibit COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath) or are unable or refuse to self-certify will be directed to leave the site and be advised to contact their health care provider, and will not be permitted to return until cleared by a medical professional.

  5. LL D2 will conduct an immediate stand down to discuss with each participant the signs and symptoms of COVID-19 infection, best practices to protect themselves and others against the virus, good hygiene practices, social distancing, staying home when sick, all per training and handouts supplied by the CDC and within local DPH Guidelines.

  6. Volunteers will educate players, at each event, to maintain social distancing and review all PPE mask requirements. For those arriving at an event after the initial stand down, LL D2 will conduct safety orientation meetings about all specific COVID-19 Requirements.
  7. Whenever a volunteer or player leaves the field site for breaks, restroom visit, or other reasons they are required to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol before leaving and upon reentry to the dugout. Additionally, all volunteers or players will be required to wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds in the restrooms. 

Hygiene Facilities & Practices  

  1. COVID-19 release waivers must be completed by all parents/players, volunteers and umpires.

  2. All common surfaces will be wiped down / sprayed each half inning.

    The common surfaces include tables, benches, fence posts, door knobs & handles.  Clorox style wipes, Clorox spray cleaner plus bleach or household bleach diluted with water (1/3 cup of bleach per gallon of water) may be used as a disinfecting agent.  SDS sheets for all products used will be held by each volunteer along with management of LL D2 and in its shed locker.

  3. LL D2 has an adequate supply of hand sanitizer with players, volunteers and umpires applying in between each inning.

  4. No food or chewing gum or sunflower seeds will be allowed – this applies to players, volunteers and umpires.

  5. Handshaking and touching must be avoided.

  6. Players will be encouraged to bring their own water bottles and avoid sharing.

  7. Coughing / sneezing etiquette is a requirement – volunteers will review with players that coughing or sneezing should be into a tissue and throwing the tissue into the trash; if tissues aren’t available, players & volunteers must cough or sneeze into their elbow.

  8. Equipment will not be shared or be limited, this includes bats, fielding gloves, catchers’ gloves, catcher’s equipment and helmets – almost all players have their own, personal equipment and those without, will be encouraged to obtain their own. If any equipment must be shared, it MUST be sanitized thoroughly between users with sanitizing spray, wipes or a fogger.

  9. Baseballs will be unique to each team – each team will be responsible for their own set of baseballs to be used. Foul balls will be returned to a team volunteer, cleaned and disinfected with hand sanitizer before being put back into play.

  10. Each team will assign a coach to monitor players, their actions and equipment usage and disinfect and clean as necessary.

  11. Parents will be asked to supply water/drinks to their own player – NO team water coolers will be permitted. 

Social Distancing & Safety PPE

  1. Social distancing is a requirement. All players and volunteers must maintain a separation distance of 6 feet or more from other people. Should players and volunteers be unable to avoid social distance as they’re working in close proximity, facemask are to be worn.

  2. Multi-person activities should be limited to the extent feasible. Per State of Massachusetts issued guidance, COVID-19 Order # 35, we will be limiting groups of participants (includes players & coaches) to 25...can however have multiple groups on a playing field meeting while meeting the distance requirements.|

  3. Players & Volunteers are required to wear masks in all areas.

  4. Dugout area will be extended/expanded to ensure social distancing of 6’ or more can be achieved for all players & volunteers and while wearing facial masks.

  5. Players & Volunteers will be one-way and use a single point for entry and a single point for exiting - signage will be provided to ensure compliance.

  6. Players & Volunteers entering dugout area will apply hand sanitizer immediately.  

Disciplinary Action  

It is the hope of LL D2 that all players, parents and volunteers will take the necessary precautions and follow the rules listed here and within the March 1, 2021 COVID-19 Order # 65 as issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in order to protect themselves, family, friends, and the public in general.

We all need to take personal responsibility and be part of the solution, not part of the problem. In cases where non-compliance is observed, the offender(s) will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge from event.

Positive Test Results for COVID-19  

In the event that a player or volunteer has a positive test result for the COVID-19 virus, the following shall apply: 

  • If the affected individual is present, he, she, they will be sent home and advised to contact their health care provider. The individual may not return until released by either their health care provider or the public health department.

  • The identity of the affected individual MUST remain confidential.|

  • LL D2 will work with the local board of health to limit exposures, including other individuals with close contact to the affected individual; affected areas and equipment.

    Individuals who are deemed to have had or were likely to have had close contact with the infected individual will be asked to leave the site and advised to contact their medical provider. 

  • LL D2 will take immediate steps to begin cleaning and sanitizing areas that the infected individual may have come in close contact with, including bathroom facilities, bench areas, equipment, and any other identified common areas. Disinfecting will be done with diluted bleach solution or other EPA-approved material. The identified areas will be barricaded to prevent entry until the disinfection process is complete and is deemed safe for entry.

  • LL D2 players or volunteers who have had or were likely to have had close contact with the affected individual will be directed to self-quarantine for a period of 10 days.|

  • After the cleaning & disinfection process is complete, those not under quarantine may return to the affected areas unless advised otherwise by a health care provider.Individuals will be advised to contact their health care provider if they have any questions, reminded to self-monitor for flu-like symptoms, utilize proper hygiene practices, and continue to follow social distance requirements.

  • All individuals should follow CDC and DPH recommended steps concerning returning to field of play. Those who are considered close contacts to a COVID-19 case by public health authorities should not return and must for 10 days be subject to quarantine by the public health department.

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